Empowerment Tibetan Refugees

Empowerment Tibetan Refugees

In November 2020, Implacement started an unique pilot: Empowerment Tibetan Refugees (ETV). There is a small but close group of Tibetan refugees in the Netherlands, the largest number lives in Amsterdam. Until now, little attention had been paid to this community, which meant that the municipality had limited insight into their wishes and needs. On behalf of the municipality of Amsterdam, Implacement has therefore recently started a completely new course, in which the focus is on strengthening the position of Tibetan status holders. In November, a group of eleven women started the course, which consists of ten meetings and three individual consults with the trainer. During the program, attention is paid to both information provision and making a personal “Master Plan”: a series of personal objectives that guide the trainees step by step towards improving self-reliance. Starting an education or finding a suitable job plays a crucial role in this. By means of (creative) assignments, group sessions and individual talks, the students are stimulated to think about their ambitions, qualities and interests. They are encouraged to shape their future, and develop a plan that will help them to achieve their personal goals. The program has been very well received by the Tibetan community so far. At the end of the module, together with the municipality, it is examined whether there is room for an additional course with focus on Tibetan men.

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Locatie Amsterdam Notweg

(Participatieverklaring & Taalonderwijs)

Notweg 38-C
1068 LL Amsterdam
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Locatie Amsterdam Keurenplein

(Social Return)

Keurenplein 35
1069 CD Amsterdam
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Locatie Hoofddorp

(Taalintensivering & Taalonderwijs)

Binnenweg 10
2132 CT Hoofddorp
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Keurenplein 35
1069 CD Amsterdam
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